In Utah, employers must follow strict deadlines for paying an employee who is terminated or quits. Failing to follow these deadlines can result in penalties. An Employee Who Is Terminated or Laid Off Under Utah law, when an employer fires or lays off an employee, any unpaid wages become due immediately, and the employer mustRead More
Can a Nevada Employer Decrease Your Pay?
Just like your employer can give you a raise, in many circumstances it can give you a pay cut, but it has to meet certain requirements first. Can My Employer Cut My Pay in Nevada? Yes, your employer can cut your pay in most circumstances. However, Nevada law (NRS 608.100) prohibits the following: Cutting yourRead More
Do Nevada Employers Have to Pay Overtime for 4-10 Shifts?
For some types of work, businesses might want their employees to work four ten-hour shifts each week rather than the traditional five eight-hour shifts. In Nevada, 4-10 shifts raise a question of whether employers need to pay overtime to employees who work more than eight hours in one day. Overtime Exception for 4-10 Shifts UnderRead More
Do Nevada Employees Have to Be Paid for Travel and Training Time?
Nevada law requires employers to pay their employees for each hour the employee works. (See NRS 608.016). Regulations describe work time as “all time worked by the employee at the direction of the employer, including time worked by the employee that is outside the scheduled hours of work of the employee.” (NAC 608.115). Nevada regulationsRead More
Can I Request Wage Records from My Employer in Nevada?
Most employers give their employees a pay stub or some record of their wages and salary as they are paid. If this is not the case, or if you have misplaced or not kept what your employer has given you, then you can ask your employer to give you a copy of those records. UnderRead More
Can Employers in Nevada Cut Your Pay without Notice?
For a variety of reasons, an employer might want to decrease your wage, salary, or other compensation. An employer can legally reduce your pay, but they must first inform you in writing at least 7 days before any decrease. Keep in mind, however, that if a collective bargaining agreement, contract, law, or regulation applies toRead More
Do Nevada Employers Have to Give Breaks for Rest, Meals, and Sleep?
Nevada law requires employers to give breaks for rest, meals, and sleep in certain circumstances. This article describes when these breaks are required and to whom they apply. What Breaks Are Required for Rest? Employees who work at least 3.5 hours in a day must be given rest breaks, depending on how many hours theyRead More
Nevada Employees Allowed to Seek Unpaid Wages through Court
In a recent opinion (Neville, Jr. v. Dist. Ct. (Terrible Herbst, Inc.)), the Nevada Supreme Court determined that Nevada employees are permitted to file a lawsuit in civil court to recover unpaid wages. This means that employees have the option of either filing a complaint with the Nevada Labor Commissioner to recover unpaid wages, or theyRead More
When Is a Final Paycheck Due After You Get Fired or Quit in Nevada?
In Nevada, an employer must follow strict deadlines for paying an employee who is terminated or quits. Failing to follow these deadlines can result in costs and penalties. An Employee Who Is Terminated Under Nevada law, when an employer fires or lays off an employee, any wages or other compensation earned at that time becomeRead More